Five Factors To Take Into Account When Choosing A Web Host

web site hosting

The first step in creating the website is not all about HTML! Step one requires you to register and then publish your site with the web hosting company before people can view your site. The files on your website are stored on web servers connected to lightning fast networks. The internet sends an email to your server network whenever you type in your website's URL. It then pulls the files from your web hosting service and forwards the information to the computer of the person who has access to your website. In case where you wish for a knockout post on web hosting service, look at here.

Five factors to think about when choosing a web host once you are aware of the basics of website hosting.

Speed of Web Host

The speed at which your site loads is crucial for the success of your online business. Websites that load slowly can be frustrating for customers , causing them to leave your website. It is essential that you check with your web host about what type of Internet connection they offer to ensure it is suitable for your business and can handle heavy traffic volumes to your site.

Magnet have made significant investments in the development of our private fiber network infrastructure. Magnet Cloud ensures speedy speeds, pingspeeds, and the lowest latency on your connection.

Reliability of your Web Host

A majority of companies do not know much about the servers that are used by their hosting provider. It's a good idea for companies to check the place of their hosting provider to make sure they are reliable and can offer top-quality service.

Magnet's servers are all located in Dublin on our central network which is connected to both the Irish Internet Exchange (INEX), the London International Exchange (LINX) as well as having other private peers with other important international internet providers.

Web Host Security

The security features of the server of a web hosting company is crucial when selecting an internet hosting provider, particularly for websites that will be used for processing the payment of customers or send personal details through the website. Customers are less likely to go with a transaction if they do not feel the site is safe.

Magnet has invested in its own infrastructure in Ireland to ensure your security.

Web Hosting Features & Add-Ons

It's difficult to find a person who doesn't want something for their efforts. Magnet offers a variety of free tools including a Content Management System, Customer Relationship Manager, CMR, webmail, email newsletters as well as an image gallery.

You can access some of the tools available with Magnet Hosting by clicking here.

Support for Web Hosting

Websites are the heartbeat of many businesses and if you notice that something isn't operating correctly, you must be assured that you can get it resolved quickly. Magnet understands that you need immediate help when you experience problems. If a problem continues to linger longer, the more danger it presents to your site and therein could be a threat to your business.


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